Susan Constantine, MPsy, is the world’s leading authority on body language as it pertains to leadership and deception detection. She is the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Reading Body Language and has for the past decade been a go-to source for media outlets analyzing the body language of public figures.
The media regularly turns to Constantine for analysis of U.S. and global political leaders, celebrities, and suspects in highly publicized trials. She has appeared in more than 1,000 national and international television programs, print publications, and radio programs.
Training courses developed by Constantine teach government agencies to detect deception through the five channels of communication (the face, body language, words, tone, and space). She has been hired to train in the Department of Defense’s Office of the Inspector General, the Department of Children and Families, Public Defenders offices, State Attorney’s offices, judicial associations, mediation and arbitration associations, international law enforcement and intelligence agencies, law schools, universities, and State Bar Associations around the U.S. Her courses are approved for continuing legal education in over 30 states.