When news broke that authorities had apprehended Golden State Killer Joseph James DeAngelo, two things crossed my mind: 1) this is AMAZING and 2) we're gonna have work to do. I first spoke with Criminology Podcast host Mike Morford about the GSK case just a couple of weeks before the case broke, and the news rendered that interview obsolete in the most wonderful way. Mike graciously agreed to speak with me again, this time about his thoughts on the new developments.
CCI: How did you learn of Joseph James DeAngelo's arrest?
I first learned of DeAngelo’s arrest from a couple of sources just after he was taken into custody around dinner pacific time. It seemed surreal.
CCI: What were your first thoughts?
Although we all have waited so long for it to happen, and many of us thought it would happen sooner rather than later, I was still in shock. I messaged back and forth with a few people and got a call from one of the relatives of the murder victims that night, and we all just couldn’t believe it.
CCI: What part do you think Michelle McNamara's I'll Be Gone in the Dark played?
I think McNamara and her book helped raise awareness, but in the end it was good old fashioned police work and emerging DNA technologies that solved the case.
CCI: What do you think we'll see at trial (if there is one)?
I don’t know if there will be a trial. If there is, I’d like to travel from NJ to be there for at least a part of it. Trial or not, I just want to see him admit to what he did -- ALL of it. But since he’s always been the ultimate coward so I have a hard time believing he will ever own up to what he did.
CCI: What comes next?
I wish I could say for me that it was rest, but for people like myself obsessed with this case, we will be trying to connect the dots, and all the victims into the foreseeable future, and I’ll be working to bring the news as it comes to people on my podcast, Criminology.
Safe to say that the GSK sessions will be packed this year! You may want to arrive to the Deep Dive and Panel Discussion early if you want a seat.